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A short term scientific mission to the University College Cork (UCC), Cork, Ireland
Katharina Ghamarian-Krenn
Aug 28, 2024

This short-term scientific mission was hosted by Dr. Craig Neville at the stunning site of University College Cork (UCC). The aim of the visit was to draft the first version of the COST CLIL NetLE report of Working Group 4.

On the first day of the scientific mission the work schedule was set up and the aims were clarified. Moreover, I was given the wonderful opportunity to get to know UCC better, as I got a private tour by my host. Apart from a stunning library, great lecture halls with incredible views of the city and a private university church in which stars like Enya have already recorded their records, the campus also offered many different spaces to work, eat and enjoy the famous 5 o’clock tea.

Our team work resulted in a first version of the main part of the COSTNetLE report of WG4, as was the aim for this scientific mission. Furthermore, the data collected was also analysed by country be the survey administrators of each country. Naturally, Craig compiled the country report for Ireland, while my responsibility was finishing the Austrian country report, which we also managed to complete successfully. At the end of the week we had an online meeting with WG4 leader Ute Smit and Marta Segura to present our results and discuss the further procedure leading to the report publication on the repository of the University of Vienna, Phaidra.

Finally, we were able to use the great technical equipment located in the ground floors of the main library building of UCC to record two episodes of our planned podcast series for CLILNetLE. We had a lot of fun recording the interviews with Craig as a host and me being the guest being interviewed.

Overall, it was a lovely stay in at UCC in Cork, which allowed productivity to be matched with a lot of fun, beautiful countryside and good food!

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