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Ekaterina Strati: Short Time Scientific Mission (STSM) at the University of Vienna
Ekaterina Strati
Oct 7, 2024

Short Time Scientific Mission (STSM) at the University of Vienna. The purpose of this mission was to conduct research and write a survey on the out-of-school digital literacies of students. The STSM spanned a period of four weeks, divided in two time periods from 03/05/2023 to 12/05/2023 and from 30/05/2023 to 09/05/2023. It was supported by COST Action CA21114, CLIL Network for Languages in Education: Towards bi- and multilingual disciplinary literacies (CLILNetLE).

The primary objectives of this STSM were as follows:

§  To prepare the first draft of the DLSS which aims at investigating the digital literacies of students in upper-secondary education.

§  To work on the literature review

§  To identify the skills, knowledge, and attitudes required for effective digital participation.

§  To develop a comprehensive survey instrument to assess digital literacies.

During the four-week period, the following activities were undertaken to achieve the objectives of the STSM:

3.1. Literature Review: A thorough literature review was conducted to understand the existing research and theories related to digital literacies. This review encompassed both academic and industry sources, providing a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

3.2. Survey Design: Based on the findings from the literature review, a survey instrument was developed to assess the digital literacies of students. The survey aims to capture information about the students' demographics, digital skills, knowledge, attitudes, challenges and experiences. Care was taken with colleagues and other group members to ensure the survey questions were clear, relevant, and aligned with the research objectives. In addition, close attention was made to endure comparable result among both surveys, DLSS and DLTS.

3.3 Office and online- meetings: several meeting, both in the office and online, with WG4 members, in order to discuss on research questions and survey development.

3.4 Final draft for Qualtrics: the final draft was prepared based on the directions of Craig Neville, who is going to incorporate everything into Quartics.

3.5 Future action: we discussed on future action regarding Ethical Considerations, Data Collection and Management, and Data Analysis.

The Short Time Scientific Mission at the University of Vienna was successful in developing a survey instrument for assessment. The findings from the survey contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field of CLIL-related digital literacies and provide valuable insights for future research.

I would like to express my gratitude to COST Action CA21114 for the financial support, which made this STSM possible. I am also grateful to the other group members who collaborated, the host, the faculty and staff at the University of Vienna, Department of English / Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, especially to Ute Smit and Julia Hüttner, for their cooperation and assistance throughout the STSM.

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