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STSM report
Huseyin Ozdemir
Aug 19, 2024

Dr. Huseyin Ozdemir visited Francisco Lorenzo, CA21114 WG2 leader, working at Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Sevilla, Spain, on a short-term scientific mission, as part of the COST Action CLIL NetLE, between 08-12 July 2024. During the STSM, the final version of the WG2 report, Assessing disciplinary literacy with CEFR descriptors: History, Mathematics and Science, was revisited with a focus on Mathematics, including a descriptor table prepared by the WG2 mathematics subgroup. A cross-cultural study and research articles were planned to compare the Mathematics classes and Mathematics CLIL classes and also examine the Mathematics curriculum and lesson plans using the taxonomy developed in WG3. This STSM has been funded by CA21114 CLIL NetLE.

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