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Training for PhD Candidates at the University of Elbasan “Aleksandër Xhuvani” on using Qualtrics
Merita Hoxha
May 15, 2024

On 8th of April, 2024, Dr. Merita Hoxha in collaboration with CLILNeTLe and Dr. Craig Neville delivered a training on the use of Qualtrics at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani". The training was delivered to 25 PhD Candidates at the premises of Aleksandër Xhuvani University, in Elbasan, Albania.

The main aim of the training was to introduce Qualtrics to the participants. It integrated the theoretical aspects of writing a quantitative survey and survey questions, and a short demonstration of a survey which was prepared in advance during the training offered to CLILNeTLe members by Dr. Craig Neville in June 2023. The second aim was to discuss the benefits of participating in a COST Action by focusing on how CLILNeTLe has helped Dr. Merita Hoxha grow professionally through networking, collaborations, training schools, etc. in order to encourage active participation of the academic staff in COST Actions.

The participants were enthusiastic and during the last part of the training they had the opportunity to explore Qualtrics and to discuss how to use it in their research. The feedback was very positive and we were encouraged by the vice-rector Prof. dr. Elvira Fetahu to continue the collaboration and share the knowledge we gain from COST Actions.

Feedback from participants:

• The training "Utilizing the Qualtrics Platform, a Tool for Survey Design," was one of the most essential and beneficial trainings for scientific researchers in survey design. It is also a highly efficient platform for compiling data and easily extracting final results. Compared to other platforms, the entire population can easily access and complete the survey, involving a larger number of subjects for analysis.

• This training was very helpful and an innovative method to apply to my studies. This online platform is very convenient to build surveys, collect data and analyze them. A great thank to the organizers and CLILNeTLe for helping us conduct research.

• The training on the Qualtrics platform was very valuable and interesting. The information about using Qualtrics platform was organized in a simple and understandable way and helped us a lot to understand how we can design and distribute surveys online, as well as analyze the data collected from our study and generate summary reports from the study results. Thanks to the information received in the training, I think I will use this platform for online surveys because compared to Google Forms, which I have used up to now, it is more advanced in most of its functions.

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