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Overview of curricular demands of disciplinary literacies: An Exploratory Survey

This Report represents Deliverable 7 (D7) of COST Action 21114 and is an exploratory survey which makes a first step in the abovementioned, more concrete direction. The explicit objective of this Deliverable is to “overview curricular demands regarding bi/multilingual disciplinary literacies in CLIL across educational levels, for Key Subjects” (Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), p. 18), surveying “at least three ITC countries and three Non-ITCcountries” (MoU, p. 20). The results reported here reflect the work of 33 Researchers from 19 Universities, a teacher-training institution and a high school, located in six ITC Countries and five non-ITC Countries. Together, these researchers performed two parallel but complementary TASKS to survey and overview curricular demands of disciplinary literacies from two angles.