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Dalton-Puffer, C., Hüttner, J., & Nikula, T. (2024). Introduction: The conceptualisation of subject-specific literacies in CLIL. In Building Disciplinary Literacies in Content and Language Integrated Learning Routledge. Routledge Series in Language and Content Integrated Teaching & Plurilingual Education

Hüttner, J. (2020). Disciplinary Language at School: A Site of Integration in Content-and-Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). In I. Hedlandova Kalischova, & M. Nemec (Eds.), Functional Plurality of Language in Contextualised Discourse (pp. 63-76). Masaryk University Brno.

Lorenzo, F. (Ed.).(2019).Educación Bilingüe en Andalucía. Informe de Gestión,Competencias y Organización. Agencia Andaluza de Evaluación Educativa.Consejería de Educación. Junta de Andalucía. DOI:

Nikula, T. (2017). ‘What’s the moment thingy?’: On the emergence of subject-specific knowledge in CLIL classroom interaction. In J. Langman, & H. Hansen-Thomas (Eds.), Discourse analytic perspectives on STEM education: exploring interaction and learning in the multilingual classroom (pp. 11–29). Springer International Publishing. Educational Linguistics, 32.


Llinares,A., & Morton, T. (2024). Fostering language awareness for integrationthrough teacher researcher collaboration in a Spanish bilingual educationcontext. Language Awareness. 1-21. 

Llinares,A., & Morton, T. (2024). Assessing CLIL students' expression of Exploreacross languages and school disciplines: an interdisciplinary approach. InHüttner, J. & Dalton_Puffer, C. (Eds.), Building Disciplinary Literaciesin Content and Language Integrated Learning. Routledge.

Llinares, A., & T Nikula,T. (2024). CLIL students’ production of cognitive discourse functions: ComparingFinnish and Spanish contexts. Language and Education 38 (3), 381-400.

Nguyen T.,& Llinares, A. (2023). CLIL in Spain and Vietnam: Different contexts,different patterns of corrective feedback. Journal of Immersion andContent-Based Language Education, 11 (2), 148-172.

Llinares,A., & Nashaat- Sobhy, N. (2023). CLIL students’ academic languageperformance on a non-curricular topic: a comparison between high-exposure andlow-exposure groups. English Teaching & Learning, 47 (3), 337-358.

Llinares,A. (2023). CLIL and linguistics. In The Routledge handbook of content andlanguage integrated learning, 11-27.

Llinares,A. (2023). Discussion: Multiple approaches in CLIL: cognitive, affective andlinguistic insights. International Journal of Bilingual Education andBilingualism, 26 (5). 658-663.

Llinares,A., & McCabe, A. (2023). Systemic functional linguistics: the perfect matchfor content and language integrated learning. International Journal ofBilingual Education and Bilingualism, 26 (3), 245-250.

Nashaat-Sobhy,N., & Llinares, A. (2023). CLIL students’ definitions of historical terms. InternationalJournal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 26 (3), 331-344.

Llinares,A. & Cross, R. (2023). New challenges for CLIL research: Identifying (in)equity issues. AILA Review, 35 (2), 169-179.

Evnitskaya,N., & Llinares, A. (2022). (In) equity in CLIL programs? Classroominteraction and the development of higher order thinking skills acrossbilingual strands. AILA Review, 35 (2), 227-249.

Dalton-Puffer,C., Hüttner, J., & Llinares, A. (2022). CLIL in the 21st Century:Retrospective and prospective challenges and opportunities. Journal ofImmersion and Content-Based Language Education, 10 (2), 182-206.

Rieder-Bünemann, A., Hüttner, J., & Smit, U. (2022). “Who would have thought that I’d ever know that!”: Subject-specific vocabulary in CLIL student interactions. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(9), 3184-3198.

Rieder-Bünemann, A., Hüttner, J., & Smit, U. (2019). Capturing technical terms in spoken CLIL: a holistic method for identifying subject-specific vocabulary. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 7(1), 4-29.

Hüttner, J. (2019). Occupying a new space: oral language skills within the disciplines in English-medium instruction. In B. Loranc-Paszylk (Ed.), Rethinking directions in language learning and teaching at university level (pp. 5-26). Research-publishing.

Hüttner, J., & Smit, U. (2018). Negotiating political positions: subject-specific oral language use in CLIL classrooms. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(3), 287-302.

Lorenzo, F., & Meyer, O. (2018) Languages of Schooling: language competence and educational success. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6 (1), pp. 1-3. DOI:

Jiménez Naharro, M., & Lorenzo, F.(2018). “Más allá de las reglas”. Relación entre conocimiento gramatical explícito y calidad de la escritura académica en estudiantes de español L2. Revista Hechos y Proyecciones del Lenguaje, 23, pp. 9-30.

Lorenzo, F., & Trujillo, F.(2017) Languages of schooling in European policymaking: present state and future outcomes. European Journal of Applied Linguistics5 (2), pp. 177-197. DOI:

 Lorenzo, F., & Meyer, O. (2017). Languages of Schooling: Explorations into Disciplinary Literacies: An Introduction. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 5 (2), pp. 153-156.DOI:

Lorenzo, F. (2017). Historical Literacy in bilingual settings: Cognitive academic language in L2 History Narratives. Linguistics and Education, 37, pp. 32-41. DOI:

Lorenzo, F., Granados, A., & N. Rico (2021). Equity in bilingual education: socioeconomic status and content and language integrated learning in monolingual Southern Europe. Applied Linguistics, 42(3), 393–413. DOI:

Granados, A., López-Jiménez, M. D., & Lorenzo, F. (2022). A longitudinal study of L2 historical writing: lexical richness and writing proficiency in Content and Language Integrated Learning. Ibérica, 43, 129–154. DOI:

Granados, A., Lorenzo-Espejo, A., & Lorenzo, F.(2021). Evidence for the interdependence hypothesis: A longitudinal study of biliteracy development in a CLIL/bilingual setting. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(8), 3005-3021. DOI:

Lorenzo, F., Granados, A., & Rico, N. (2021). Equity in bilingual education: socioeconomic status and content and language integrated learning in monolingual Southern Europe. Applied Linguistics, 42(3), 393–413. DOI:

Granados, A., & Lorenzo, F. (2021). English L2 connectives in academic bilingual discourse: a longitudinal computerised analysis of a learner corpus. Revista Signos, 54 (106), pp. 626-644. DOI:

Lorenzo, F., & Granados, A. (2020). One generation after the bilingual turn: Results from a large-scale CLIL teachers' survey. Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada, 20, pp. 77-101.  DOI:

Lorenzo, F., Granados, A., & Ávila, I. (2019). The development of cognitive academic language proficiency in multilingual education: Evidence of a longitudinal study on the language of history. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 41, 100767. DOI:

Granados, A.; Lorenzo-Espejo, A., & Lorenzo, F. (2022). A portrait of academic literacy in mid-adolescence: a computational longitudinal account of cognitive academic language proficiency during secondary school. Language and Education. DOI:

Nikula, T., Jakonen, T.,  & Kääntä, L. (2024) Multimodal practices of unpacking and repacking subject-specific knowledge in CLIL physics and chemistry lessons. Learning and Instruction, Vol 92

Sulkunen, S., Nikula, T., & Kääntä, l.  (2023) Kielen ja sisällön integrointi: alakohtaiset kieli- ja tekstikäytänteet aineenopetuksessa [’Content and language integration: disciplinary language and literacy practices in content-area teaching’]. In A. Pitkänen-Huhta, K. Mård-Miettinen & T. Nikula (eds.) Kielikoulutus mukana muutoksessa [’Language education engaging in change’] AFinLA-Teema/n:o nro16, Finnish Association of Applied Linguistics AFinLA, 202-222.

Nikula, T. (2015). Hands-on tasks in CLIL science classrooms as sites for subject-specific language use and learning. System, 54, 14–27.

Research project

DisLitAs-CLIL: Students’ development of L2 disciplinary literacies and content and language integrated assessment in bilingual secondary schools across socioeconomic areas Funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and University in Spain (2023-2027). Principal Investigator: Ana Llinares. Other members from CLIL NetLE: Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Julia Hüttner, Tarja Nikula, Leah Tompkins, Tom Morton, Nashwa Nashaat-Sobhy, Elena del Pozo.

Cvikić, L. (2024). Early disciplinary literacy in Croatian: features of text book discourse" to the Croatian Science Foundation (project proposal number: IP-2024-05-2755).

Lorenzo, F. Social Distribution of Biliteracy: Linguistic Communication Competence in Bilingual Education (CLIL Models). Four-year research project Funded by the Ministry of Science (2024-2028).

Lorenzo,F. Educational Policies in Language and Communication: Equity, Excellence and Social Integration:  Two year research project in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (submitted September 2024; pending resolution)

CLIL Teaching Materials for Developing 21 st Century Competences. Programme of the ECML. Coordinator: Lies Sercu, Go to website

National Project funded by the Ministry of Science (2024-27). SOCIOBIL Research Project: Social Distribution of Biliteracy. Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2022 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2022-139685OB-I00).

Research Project in Nitra, Slovakia. Disciplinary Literacy and Critical Thinking in Bilingual Education, ref. No. 1/0218/24 | 11, granted by the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, with the principal coordinator doc. Elena Kovacikova, PhD. from the Faculty of Education, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia. The Slovak project is a response to the CLILnetLe directions, following European trends and practice in the introduction of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in lower and upper secondary education. The project looks at bilingual education not from the point of view of the development of language competences, but examines the impact of bilingual education on the acquisition of disciplinary literacy, i.e. j. acquisition of domain-specific mental processes, knowledge, skills, relevant content competences in dominant subjects (Mathematics, Biology, History) in the context of the new educational curriculum reform.


Lorenzo, F. (2020) BIMAP: Mapa del lenguaje académico en educaciónbilingüe (español-inglés)LYNEAL: Letras y Números en AnálisisLingüísticos. Disponible en: