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Granados, A. & F. Lorenzo (2021). English L2 connectives in academic bilingual discourse: a longitudinal computerised analysis of a learner corpus. Revista Signos, 54 (106), pp. 626-644. DOI:

Lorenzo, F. & A. Granados (2020). One generation after the bilingual turn: Results from a large-scale CLIL teachers' survey. Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada, 20, pp. 77-101.  DOI:

Lorenzo, F.; Granados, A. & I. Ávila. (2019). The development of cognitive academic language proficiency in multilingual education: Evidence of a longitudinal study on the language of history. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 41, 100767. DOI:

Granados, A.; Lorenzo-Espejo, A. & F. Lorenzo (2022). A portrait of academic literacy in mid-adolescence: a computational longitudinal account of cognitive academic language proficiency during secondary school. Language and Education. DOI:

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Sulkunen, S., Nikula, T. & Kääntä, l.  (2023) Kielen ja sisällön integrointi: alakohtaiset kieli- ja tekstikäytänteet aineenopetuksessa [’Content and language integration: disciplinary language and literacy practices in content-area teaching’]. In A. Pitkänen-Huhta, K. Mård-Miettinen & T. Nikula (eds.) Kielikoulutus mukana muutoksessa [’Language education engaging in change’] AFinLA-Teema/n:o nro16, Finnish Association of Applied Linguistics AFinLA, 202-222.

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