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Refining the Conceptualization of Disciplinary Literacies in CLIL

Working Group 1: Refining the Conceptualization of Disciplinary Literacies

We hear from Tarja Nikula, leader of WG1, and Talip Gülle, vice leader, as they discuss their group's mission and achievements. WG1 has been at the core of defining disciplinary literacies, laying the foundation for the entire project.

Key milestones so far:

  • Initial Conceptualization: WG1 compiled insights from existing research to create an initial framework that serves as a reference for all working groups.
  • General Survey of CLIL Provision: A comprehensive overview of CLIL models across Europe, offering a crucial perspective on the landscape of Content and Language Integrated Learning.

Looking ahead, WG1 is now focused on refining their conceptualization by integrating insights from other working groups. The Leiden meeting was instrumental in advancing this goal.

One highlight was the joint meeting with WG5, ensuring that theory and practice remain closely linked. By aligning conceptual work with material development, WG1's refined framework will directly inform teacher training, while WG5’s outputs will help validate and further shape the conceptual model.

Additionally, reports from Working Groups 2, 3, and 4 were reviewed during the meeting to enrich ongoing work. These findings will help both WG1 and WG5 refine their respective tasks—enhancing the conceptual framework and developing high-quality teaching materials.

This COST Action meeting in Leiden showcased the power of collaboration, bringing together expertise from different working groups to ensure meaningful and impactful outcomes.